Need help editing Videos?

Our Short Form Content team can help you create short form videos using the market standard dynamic videos!

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Hate editing? We can help.

Discover the power of 

short-form content.

We offer a wide range of services that can help businesses improve their social media presence.

From crafting captivating Instagram stories to creating engaging social media posts, our team of experts can help you create content that is sure to grab the attention of your target audience. We can help you create high-quality content that will help you build your brand and grow your online following. Whether you're looking to boost sales, increase engagement, or simply establish a stronger online presence, our services can help you achieve your goals. 

Our Short-Form Video Services are a great fit for:

  • The Coaching Industry

  • The Real estate industry

  • Sales Industry

  • If you are striving to be more consistent with short-form video content, but need guidance or don't know where to start

  • If you embrace video marketing and know the importance of social media presence.

  • You value working with a professional team who can help you create shareable and quality video content

Our Short-Form Video Services are NOT a great fit if:

  • You don't have the budget or drive to commit for 3 months

  • You think one viral video will solve all your business problems

  • All you're looking for is a video editor and nothing else 

  • You are not ready to make moves for your business


Do you shoot my videos for me?

While we do not shoot your videos, we do offer guidance on how to set up and execute your own short-form video content. For long-form video content for Houston Tx,  residents, we do offer all-inclusive packages, but spots are limited.

How do I send you my videos?

You can send your videos to us through Google Drive, Dropbox, or any other third-party file-sharing sites..

What equipment do I need to shoot my videos?

To shoot your videos, you will need a phone with storage, a strong wifi connection, a tripod (optional), and great energy. A ring light is also optional, but not required.

Should I have multiple clips for one title?

No, you will only record one continuous clip per title. For example, if you have eight videos, you will have eight clips.

What happens if I make mistakes in my video?

If you make mistakes in your video, simply let the camera know to "please disregard my last statement" and pause for at least three seconds before continuing.

Can I shoot and create my own titles?

Yes, you can create your own titles as long as they align with the strategy we discuss during our strategy call. However, if titles are shot outside of strategy, there is no guarantee of engagement.

Can I shoot different styles of video content?

For short-form video content, we focus on creating evergreen or foundational content that can be used for years to come. Long-form video content allows for more flexibility in using different styles.

How long should my video be?

Your final edits should be less than 90 seconds for short-form videos. However, your raw video clips may be longer due to dead space and multiple takes.

Can I change the font styles and colors?

Yes, you can change the font styles and colors, but we recommend sticking to the colors we provide as it can affect the audience's attention span.